Документация PHP



Simple Asynchronous Messaging

PHP Manual

Установка и настройка



The SAM extension interfaces to the IBM Messaging and Queuing middleware products using a set of libraries and some client side code referred to as XMS. This package is available as a free download in the guise of IBM support pack IA94. There is a description of this package and download links in the article » Introducing XMS - The IBM Message Service API.

If you intend to use SAM to access the Messaging and Queuing infrastructure within WebSphere MQ then you will also need to have installed a local MQ queue manager or installed the WebSphere MQ clients package. The clients package is freely available as a support pack (» MQC6).

If you are only aiming to experiment with sending messages to and from WebSphere Application Server queues using the WebSphere Platform Messaging protocol (WPM) then you do not need to install the MQC6 package.

After installing these packages you will need to ensure the XMS binary and, if you are using it, the MQ client bin directory are included in the PATH environment variable so that Apache and PHP can find the dependent .DLLs/libraries.



Simple Asynchronous Messaging

PHP Manual

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