Документация PHP



Streams Функции

PHP Manual


(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)

stream_filter_append — Attach a filter to a stream


resource stream_filter_append ( resource $stream , string $filtername [, int $read_write [, mixed $params ]] )

Adds filtername to the list of filters attached to stream . This filter will be added with the specified params to the end of the list and will therefore be called last during stream operations. To add a filter to the beginning of the list, use stream_filter_prepend().

By default, stream_filter_append() will attach the filter to the read filter chain if the file was opened for reading (i.e. File Mode: r, and/or +). The filter will also be attached to the write filter chain if the file was opened for writing (i.e. File Mode: w, a, and/or +). STREAM_FILTER_READ, STREAM_FILTER_WRITE, and/or STREAM_FILTER_ALL can also be passed to the read_write parameter to override this behavior.

As of PHP 5.1.0, this function returns a resource which can be used to refer to this filter instance during a call to stream_filter_remove(). Prior to PHP 5.1.0, this function returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.

Пример #1 Controlling where filters are applied

/* Open a test file for reading and writing */
$fp fopen('test.txt''w+');

/* Apply the ROT13 filter to the
 * write filter chain, but not the
 * read filter chain */

/* Write a simple string to the file
 * it will be ROT13 transformed on the
 * way out */
fwrite($fp"This is a test\n");

/* Back up to the beginning of the file */

/* Read the contents of the file back out.
 * Had the filter been applied to the
 * read filter chain as well, we would see
 * the text ROT13ed back to its original state */


/* Expected Output

Guvf vf n grfg


Замечание: When using custom (user) filters stream_filter_register() must be called first in order to register the desired user filter to filtername .

Замечание: Stream data is read from resources (both local and remote) in chunks, with any unconsumed data kept in internal buffers. When a new filter is appended to a stream, data in the internal buffers is processed through the new filter at that time. This differs from the behavior of stream_filter_prepend().

See also stream_filter_register(), stream_filter_prepend(), and stream_get_filters().



Streams Функции

PHP Manual

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