Документация PHP

Hyperwave API


Hyperwave API

PHP Manual

Hyperwave API Функции

Integration with Apache

The integration with Apache and possible other servers is already described in the Hyperwave module which has been the first extension to connect a Hyperwave Server.


The API provided by the HW_API extension is fully object oriented. It is very similar to the C++ interface of the Hyperwave SDK. It consist of the following classes.

  • HW_API
  • HW_API_Object
  • HW_API_Attribute
  • HW_API_Error
  • HW_API_Content
  • HW_API_Reason
Some basic classes like HW_API_String, HW_API_String_Array, etc., which exist in the Hyperwave SDK have not been implemented since PHP has powerful replacements for them.

Each class has certain method, whose names are identical to its counterparts in the Hyperwave SDK. Passing arguments to this function differs from all the other PHP extensions but is close to the C++ API of the HW SDK. Instead of passing several parameters they are all put into an associated array and passed as one parameter. The names of the keys are identical to those documented in the HW SDK. The common parameters are listed below. If other parameters are required they will be documented if needed.

  • objectIdentifier The name or id of an object, e.g. "rootcollection", "0x873A8768 0x00000002".
  • parentIdentifier The name or id of an object which is considered to be a parent.
  • object An instance of class HW_API_Object.
  • parameters An instance of class HW_API_Object.
  • version The version of an object.
  • mode An integer value determine the way an operation is executed.
  • attributeSelector Any array of strings, each containing a name of an attribute. This is used if you retrieve the object record and want to include certain attributes.
  • objectQuery A query to select certain object out of a list of objects. This is used to reduce the number of objects which was delivered by a function like hw_api->children() or hw_api->find().

Замечание: Methods returning boolean can return TRUE, FALSE or HW_API_Error object.


Hyperwave API


Hyperwave API

PHP Manual

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