Документация PHP



Regex Функции

PHP Manual


(PHP 4, PHP 5)

ereg — Regular expression match


int ereg ( string $pattern , string $string [, array &$regs ] )

Searches a string for matches to the regular expression given in pattern in a case-sensitive way.

Список параметров


Case sensitive regular expression.


The input string.


If matches are found for parenthesized substrings of pattern and the function is called with the third argument regs , the matches will be stored in the elements of the array regs .

$regs[1] will contain the substring which starts at the first left parenthesis; $regs[2] will contain the substring starting at the second, and so on. $regs[0] will contain a copy of the complete string matched.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns the length of the matched string if a match for pattern was found in string , or FALSE if no matches were found or an error occurred.

If the optional parameter regs was not passed or the length of the matched string is 0, this function returns 1.


Пример #1 ereg() example

The following code snippet takes a date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD) and prints it in DD.MM.YYYY format:

if (ereg ("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})"$date$regs)) {
} else {
"Invalid date format: $date";


Замечание: preg_match(), which uses a Perl-compatible regular expression syntax, is often a faster alternative to ereg().

Замечание: Up to (and including) PHP 4.1.0 $regs will be filled with exactly ten elements, even though more or fewer than ten parenthesized substrings may actually have matched. This has no effect on ereg()'s ability to match more substrings. If no matches are found, $regs will not be altered by ereg().

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Regex Функции

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