Документация PHP

Secure Shell 2

Process Interaction Streams

List of Supported Protocols/Wrappers

PHP Manual

Audio Streams

ogg:// PHP 4.3.0 and up (PECL)

  • ogg://soundfile.ogg
  • ogg:///path/to/soundfile.ogg
  • ogg://http://www.example.com/path/to/soundstream.ogg

Замечание: This wrapper is not enabled by default In order to use the ogg:// wrapper you must install the » OGG/Vorbis extension available from » PECL.

Files opened for reading via the ogg:// wrapper are treated as compressed audio encoded using the OGG/Vorbis codec. Similarly, files opened for writing or appending via the ogg:// wrapper are writen as compressed audio data. stream_get_meta_data(), when used on an OGG/Vorbis file opened for reading will return various details about the stream including the vendor tag, any included comments , the number of channels , the sampling rate , and the encoding rate range described by: bitrate_lower , bitrate_upper , bitrate_nominal , and bitrate_window .

Wrapper Summary
Attribute Supported
Restricted by allow_url_fopen No
Allows Reading Yes
Allows Writing Yes
Allows Appending Yes
Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing No
Supports stat() No
Supports unlink() No
Supports rename() No
Supports mkdir() No
Supports rmdir() No

Context options
Name Usage Default Mode
pcm_mode PCM encoding to apply while reading, one of: OGGVORBIS_PCM_U8, OGGVORBIS_PCM_S8, OGGVORBIS_PCM_U16_BE, OGGVORBIS_PCM_S16_BE, OGGVORBIS_PCM_U16_LE, and OGGVORBIS_PCM_S16_LE. (8 vs 16 bit, signed or unsigned, big or little endian) OGGVORBIS_PCM_S16_LE Read
rate Sampling rate of input data, expressed in Hz 44100 Write/Append
bitrate When given as an integer, the fixed bitrate at which to encode. (16000 to 131072) When given as a float, the variable bitrate quality to use. (-1.0 to 1.0) 128000 Write/Append
channels The number of audio channels to encode, typically 1 (Mono), or 2 (Stero). May range as high as 16. 2 Write/Append
comments An array of string values to encode into the track header.   Write/Append

Secure Shell 2

Process Interaction Streams

List of Supported Protocols/Wrappers

PHP Manual

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