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PharData::convertToData — Convert a phar archive to a non-executable tar or zip file


PharData PharData::convertToData ([ int $format [, int $compression [, string $extension ]]] )

This method is used to convert a non-executable tar or zip archive to another non-executable format.

If no changes are specified, this method throws a BadMethodCallException. This method should be used to convert a tar archive to zip format or vice-versa. Although it is possible to simply change the compression of a tar archive using this method, it is better to use the PharData::compress() method for logical consistency.

If successful, the method creates a new archive on disk and returns a PharData object. The old archive is not removed from disk, and should be done manually after the process has finished.

Список параметров


This should be one of Phar::TAR or Phar::ZIP. If set to NULL, the existing file format will be preserved.


This should be one of Phar::NONE for no whole-archive compression, Phar::GZ for zlib-based compression, and Phar::BZ2 for bzip-based compression.


This parameter is used to override the default file extension for a converted archive. Note that .phar cannot be used anywhere in the filename for a non-executable tar or zip archive.

If converting to a tar-based phar archive, the default extensions are .tar, .tar.gz, and .tar.bz2 depending on specified compression. For zip-based archives, the default extension is .zip.

Возвращаемые значения

The method returns a PharData object on success and throws an exception on failure.


This method throws BadMethodCallException when unable to compress, an unknown compression method has been specified, the requested archive is buffering with PharData::startBuffering() and has not concluded with PharData::stopBuffering(), and a PharException if any problems are encountered during the phar creation process.


Пример #1 A PharData::convertToData() example

Using PharData::convertToData():

try {
$tarphar = new PharData('myphar.tar');
// note that myphar.tar is *not* unlinked
    // convert it to the non-executable tar file format
    // creates myphar.zip
$zip $tarphar->convertToData(Phar::ZIP);
// create myphar.tbz
$tgz $zip->convertToData(Phar::TARPhar::BZ2'.tbz');
// creates myphar.phar.tgz
$phar $tarphar->convertToData(Phar::PHAR); // throws exception
} catch (Exception $e) {
// handle the error here

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