Документация PHP

XSLT Функции

PHP at the Core: A Hacker's Guide to the Zend Engine

XSLT Функции

PHP Manual


(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0)

xslt_setopt — Set options on a given xsl processor


mixed xslt_setopt ( resource $processor , int $newmask )

xslt_setopt() sets the options specified by newmask on the given processor .

Список параметров


The XSLT processor link identifier, created with xslt_create().


newmask is a bitmask constructed with the following constants:

  • XSLT_SABOPT_PARSE_PUBLIC_ENTITIES - Tell the processor to parse public entities. By default this has been turned off.

  • XSLT_SABOPT_DISABLE_ADDING_META - Do not add the meta tag "Content-Type" for HTML output. The default is set during the compilation of the processor.

  • XSLT_SABOPT_DISABLE_STRIPPING - Suppress the whitespace stripping (on data files only).

  • XSLT_SABOPT_IGNORE_DOC_NOT_FOUND - Consider unresolved documents (the document() function) non-lethal.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns the number of previous mask is possible, TRUE otherwise, FALSE in case of an error.


Пример #1 xslt_setopt() Example



// Tell Sablotron to process public entities

// Let's also ask him to suppress whitespace stripping
xslt_setopt($xhxslt_getopt($xh) | XSLT_SABOPT_DISABLE_STRIPPING);


Смотрите также

XSLT Функции

PHP at the Core: A Hacker's Guide to the Zend Engine

XSLT Функции

PHP Manual

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