Документация PHP



win32service Функции

PHP Manual


(No version information available, might be only in CVS)

win32_start_service_ctrl_dispatcher — Registers the script with the SCM, so that it can act as the service with the given name


mixed win32_start_service_ctrl_dispatcher ( string $name )

When launched via the Service Control Manager, a service process is required to "check-in" with it to establish service monitoring and communication facilities. This function performs the check-in by spawning a thread to handle the lower-level communication with the service control manager.

Once started, the service process should continue to check-in with the service control manager so that it can determine if it should terminate. This is achieved by periodically calling win32_get_last_control_message() and handling the return code appropriately.

Список параметров


The short-name of the service, as registered by win32_create_service().

Возвращаемые значения

Returns TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE or a win32 error code.


Пример #1 A win32_start_service_ctrl_dispatcher() example

Any text that describes the purpose of the example, or what goes on in the example should go here (inside the

if (!win32_start_service_ctrl_dispatcher('dummyphp')) {
"I'm probably not running under the service control manager");

while (
WIN32_SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP != win32_get_last_control_message()) {
# do some work here, trying not to take more than around 30 seconds
  # before coming back into the loop again

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win32service Функции

PHP Manual

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