Документация PHP



mnoGoSearch Функции

PHP Manual


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5, PHP 5 <= 5.0.5, PECL mnogosearch:1.0.0)

udm_alloc_agent — Allocate mnoGoSearch session


resource udm_alloc_agent ( string $dbaddr [, string $dbmode ] )

Allocate a mnoGoSearch session.

Список параметров


dbaddr - URL-style database description, with options (type, host, database name, port, user and password) to connect to SQL database. Do not matter for built-in text files support. Format for dbaddr : DBType:[//[DBUser[:DBPass]@]DBHost[:DBPort]]/DBName/. Currently supported DBType values are: mysql, pgsql, msql, solid, mssql, oracle, and ibase. Actually, it does not matter for native libraries support, but ODBC users should specify one of the supported values. If your database type is not supported, you may use unknown instead.


dbmode - You may select the SQL database mode of words storage. Possible values of dbmode are: single, multi, crc, or crc-multi. When single is specified, all words are stored in the same table. If multi is selected, words will be located in different tables depending of their lengths. "multi" mode is usually faster, but requires more tables in the database. If "crc" mode is selected, mnoGoSearch will store 32 bit integer word IDs calculated by CRC32 algorithm instead of words. This mode requires less disk space and it is faster comparing with "single" and "multi" modes. crc-multi uses the same storage structure with the "crc" mode, but also stores words in different tables depending on words lengths like in "multi" mode.

Замечание: dbaddr and dbmode must match those used during indexing.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns a mnogosearch agent identifier on success, FALSE on failure. This function creates a session with database parameters.


Замечание: In fact this function does not open a connection to the database and thus does not check the entered login and password. Establishing a connection to the database and login/password verification is done by udm_find().



mnoGoSearch Функции

PHP Manual

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