Документация PHP



Socket Функции

PHP Manual


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.7, PHP 5)

socket_read — Reads a maximum of length bytes from a socket


string socket_read ( resource $socket , int $length [, int $type ] )

The function socket_read() reads from the socket resource socket created by the socket_create() or socket_accept() functions.

Список параметров


A valid socket resource created with socket_create() or socket_accept().


The maximum number of bytes read is specified by the length parameter. Otherwise you can use \r, \n, or \0 to end reading (depending on the type parameter, see below).


Optional type parameter is a named constant:

  • PHP_BINARY_READ (Default) - use the system recv() function. Safe for reading binary data.
  • PHP_NORMAL_READ - reading stops at \n or \r.

Возвращаемые значения

socket_read() returns the data as a string on success, or FALSE on error (including if the remote host has closed the connection). The error code can be retrieved with socket_last_error(). This code may be passed to socket_strerror() to get a textual representation of the error.

Замечание: socket_read() returns a zero length string ("") when there is no more data to read.

Список изменений

Версия Описание
4.1.0 The default value for type was changed from PHP_NORMAL_READ to PHP_BINARY_READ

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Socket Функции

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