Документация PHP



The Imagick class

PHP Manual


(No version information available, might be only in CVS)

Imagick::distortImage — Distorts an image using various distortion methods


bool Imagick::distortImage ( int $method , array $arguments , bool $bestfit )

Distorts an image using various distortion methods, by mapping color lookups of the source image to a new destination image usally of the same size as the source image, unless 'bestfit' is set to TRUE.

If 'bestfit' is enabled, and distortion allows it, the destination image is adjusted to ensure the whole source 'image' will just fit within the final destination image, which will be sized and offset accordingly. Also in many cases the virtual offset of the source image will be taken into account in the mapping.

This functionality is present if Imagick is compiled against ImageMagick 6.3.6 or later.

Список параметров


The method of image distortion. See distortion constants


The arguments for this distortion method


Attempt to resize destination to fit distorted source

Возвращаемые значения

Returns TRUE on success.


Throws ImagickException on error.


Пример #1 Using Imagick::distortImage():

Distort an image and write it to the disk.


= new imagick"example.jpg" );

$im->distortImageImagick::DISTORTION_PERSPECTIVE, array( 7,404,304,1244,12385,122100,12385,2100,30 ), true );

$im->writeImage"example_out.jpg" );


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The Imagick class

PHP Manual

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