Документация PHP




PHP Manual


(PECL ibm_db2:1.0-1.6.2)

db2_fetch_object — Returns an object with properties representing columns in the fetched row


object db2_fetch_object ( resource $stmt [, int $row_number ] )

Returns an object in which each property represents a column returned in the row fetched from a result set.

Список параметров


A valid stmt resource containing a result set.


Requests a specific 1-indexed row from the result set. Passing this parameter results in a PHP warning if the result set uses a forward-only cursor.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns an object representing a single row in the result set. The properties of the object map to the names of the columns in the result set.

The IBM DB2, Cloudscape, and Apache Derby database servers typically fold column names to upper-case, so the object properties will reflect that case.

If your SELECT statement calls a scalar function to modify the value of a column, the database servers return the column number as the name of the column in the result set. If you prefer a more descriptive column name and object property, you can use the AS clause to assign a name to the column in the result set.

Returns FALSE if no row was retrieved.


Пример #1 A db2_fetch_object() example

The following example issues a SELECT statement with a scalar function, RTRIM, that removes whitespace from the end of the column. Rather than creating an object with the properties "BREED" and "2", we use the AS clause in the SELECT statement to assign the name "name" to the modified column. The database server folds the column names to upper-case, resulting in an object with the properties "BREED" and "NAME".


$sql "SELECT breed, RTRIM(name) AS name
    FROM animals
    WHERE id = ?"

if (
$conn) {
$stmt db2_prepare($conn$sql);
db2_execute($stmt, array(0));

    while (
$pet db2_fetch_object($stmt)) {
"Come here, {$pet->NAME}, my little {$pet->BREED}!";

Результат выполнения данного примера:

Come here, Pook, my little cat!

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